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Welcome to, a community dedicated to motorcycle enthusiasts! Our platform is a space where members can share their experiences, knowledge, and passion for riding while fostering a respectful and inclusive environment. To ensure a positive experience for everyone, we have established this Code of Conduct that all members are expected to adhere to:


  1. Respect and Kindness: Treat all fellow members with respect, kindness, and empathy. We encourage open discussions and diverse opinions, but personal attacks, insults, harassment, or discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated.

  2. Constructive Communication: When participating in discussions, provide constructive and relevant contributions. Avoid spamming, trolling, or derailing conversations. Stay on topic to maintain the quality of discussions.

  3. Share Knowledge: This platform thrives on sharing knowledge and experiences related to motorcycles and riding. Share your insights, tips, and expertise generously, and be open to learning from others.

  4. Safety First: If you're discussing technical advice or modifications, prioritize safety. Provide accurate information and encourage safe practices in all aspects of riding.

  5. Respect Privacy: Always respect the privacy of fellow members. Do not share personal information or private messages without explicit consent.

  6. No Selling Unauthorized Items: While we have a category for buying and selling riding accessories and gears, only items related to motorcycles and riding are allowed. No unauthorized or illegal items are permitted.

  7. Original Content: If you're sharing content, ensure that it is original or properly attributed. Respect copyright laws and give credit where it's due.

  8. Be a Responsible Buyer/Seller: If you are using the platform to buy or sell items, be honest, transparent, and considerate. Honor commitments and accurately represent the condition of items.

  9. Report Inappropriate Content: If you come across any content that violates this Code of Conduct or makes you uncomfortable, please report it to the moderators/administrators for review.

  10. Follow the Rules: Familiarize yourself with and adhere to the forum's rules and guidelines. Failure to comply may result in warnings, suspension, or account termination.

  11. ​

Remember, our goal is to create a vibrant and respectful community where all members can engage in meaningful discussions and share their passion for motorcycles. By adhering to this Code of Conduct, you contribute to making a welcoming place for riders of all backgrounds and experiences.


Thank you for being a part of our community!

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