Hello Riders,
Hope all are doing great and exploring.
One of my friend speedometer is making noise and when examined we noticed his speedo screws are loose from inside, he has clocked 12k something on his himu 411. My question is if he repaired it will his km remain or it will show 0 km.
Sorry for the title I selected godspeed as it has minimum option.
Thank you,
Rohit. M
Just "repairing" won't roll down your KMs to zero, but "replacing" would.
Hey Rohit! Do select relevant title categories so its easier for us to trace and respond appropriately.
As for the rest, your data wont be lost from the speedo as long as you're "repairing" it. replacing the entire console would result in 0KM at the ODO. You can go ahead with the repairs, and for assurity you can ask the repair guy himself if any data would be lost.
Repaired as in just tightening a screw shouldn't be a problem also if he is is doing it and he notices the screw to come out more often then tell him to try using locktite on the screw ..... hope that helps 🫡👍👍