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T&T for Beginner Riders!

Updated: Aug 13, 2023

Riding a motorcycle is one of the most pleasant feelings in the world, but what is not pleasant, for some, is learning how to ride it. You might often catch yourself getting nervous and anxious when you sit on a motorcycle.

A drop of sweat rolls down as you drop into the first gear, the grip stiffens as you begin to move ahead, you just become extra conscious all the while. Instead of enjoying the ride, you start to worry.

Worry not!

Following are some of the things that you can practice from day one to get a firm and better hold on the motorcycle -

  1. Do not tightly grip your handlebar, loosen up, the handle is not running away. Sit light and relax your shoulders. Get comfortable, use your handle to direct the motorcycle and not consciously grab it.

  2. Do not worry about falling, the motorcycle can be fixed. Make sure you're learning motorcycle wearing appropriate gears. The more you'd fall the more you'd know "what not to do".

  3. Do not be stressed or anxious while riding motorcycles as of "what others would think". People do not think as much as you think they think about you.

  4. Be confident while riding. Do not be nervous. Try practicing on your own motorcycle instead of borrowing it from a friend.

  5. Start with a low powered (cc/bhp) and light bike, which is also cheap to fix. Can also be a pre-owned bike. Ideally, a bike such as Pulsar or Splendor is good to begin with, as they are manageable and pretty easy and cheap to fix.

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